I If you are interested in having your 'story' included contact me by e-mail or just send your story for review and inclusion. If possible also send 1 to 3 pics to be included one of them being of yourself (if possible) This is a facsimile of the cover I am working on. The roundel will stay as it will attract buyers who are interested in the RAF. The soldier silhouette is where the final photo will be (preferably a silhouette). The background may have a different sky. If you are contributing and you have any reasonable suggestions concerning the cover let me know. A final draft of the cover and back will appear on this page when finalised
Your tale can be as long or short as you like. Your story can be submitted in word or similar or just in an e-mail. Don't worry about formatting I will do that. If you want to submit on a floppy or CD let me know and I will give you an address to send them to. The minimum of personal details needed are name and dates of service. If you want to add more it is up to you. Relatives or decendants of former Regiment airmen can also contribute If you were in an RAF trade attached to a RAF Regiment unit (however tenuously) you are welcome to contribute your experiences. I expect the book to be between 150 to 250 pages (not sides) But that depends on the number of contributors, pictures and length of stories. There is no limit. Obviously the more content the more interesting it will be and therefore will appeal to a wider audience, and sell much better. Requests for contributors will appear in Service Pals on TV channel 4, various web sites and the local press. I hope to get an article printed in the local paper too. If you have any questions contact me by e-mail. Yes, it is 'FREE' You only pay for a copy of the book. Royalties will be shared between contributors. NOTE: Images offered for inclusion must not be someone else's copyright! I will add more info when necessary